Thanksgiving week is upon us, so we wanted to give a Fall 2017 update!
We have had a great season with no health issues and much traveling. We are praising the Lord for health and safety! September 15-October 14 we drove to and attended a pre-field training at Mission Training International in Palmer Lake, CO. This was a precious time of connecting with other missionary families and learning from those who have been on field.
Zeke's teacher, Ms. Emily |
Pumpkin carving at Kingdom Kids (after school program)
Tollie and Zeke made a one week trip to Mississippi for a wedding early November. We are so happy for this new family that has been formed! Congrats to the Thompsons!
We were laughing and crying all day long! BFF's since first grade!!!
We also got to see four of the children we had at Palmer Home for Children while we were in MS.
We are all settled in to our rental home and waiting for the Lord to provide a place for the long term. Zeke and Tollie have begun the preschool routine again and are enjoying it so much!
Our little man can say five verses and answer the first five questions of the Children's Catechism. We are focusing on kinesthetic learning which is the best fit for him at this age.