We are very happy to report that we have a move date! The first week of May, we will pack up our earthly possessions and begin the long trip across these beautiful states of America!
We are currently funded at 55% per month and have the opportunity for Zack to pursue a part time job in the community. The Lord is so, so, good to us! He has seen fit to provide almost all of the support we need.
Will you please pray for us? There are many endings here that we must process and many beginnings once we get to the Reservation. We are so thankful for the past two years with family, friends, and a small community. That being said, we know that while this will always be our "growing up home", it is not our forever home! We are looking towards the future and all that the Lord has in store for us in ministry to the Yakama Nation.
Please pray for these things specifically:
1. For Zack to get a school bus driver job which will bridge the gap in our support needs and provide more opportunities to connect with the Yakama youth.
2. A healthy "See you later!" to all our family, friends, and Palmer children who visit us.
3. Safe travels for Zack and Jimmy as they drive cross country and for Zeke, Shelle, and Tollie as they fly cross country.
5. A church couple are graciously letting us stay in their studio upon arrival. Please pray for the Lord to provide more permanent housing by the fall.
Can you help us? With our current support and the part time job, there is roughly a 5% gap in our monthly needs. We need a few more families and churches to come along side us on a monthly basis!
If so, please email us at graygravelroads@gmail.com and let us know how much you are willing to send each month. You may also give online here:
Please join us in praising our Lord and Savior for the great things He has done!