We have received confirmation and we are going West!!! To the Pacific Northwest, more specifically. We will join Sacred Road Ministries in the Lord's timing. He will use His people to lift us up in prayer and give financially to support the work we will do on the Yakama Indian Reservation in White Swan, WA.
What will we be doing? Zack
will be coordinating short term work groups, helping with the expanding
youth group and providing care for Yakama children in our home. Tollie will be taking care of Zeke and Yakama children, working in the after school program and coordinating
with the summer interns. We hope to provide residential care in some form to many Yakama children
and young adults in the future.
Why are we going? Native American children in the town of White Swan are born into a bleak and seemingly hopeless situation:
- 75% of the children have some form of disability
- the drop-out rate between grades 6 through 12 is 65%
- the rate of unemployment is 75%
- 70% of teens are functionally homeless
- four out of five children are subject to physical or sexual abuse before they reach 14 years of age
- all Yakama people are deeply affected by drug and alcohol abuse
- only 2% of Native Americans claim to be Christian
These are very startling statistics. To see the need first hand is even more affecting. We have seen and heard the need. The teenagers who come to church for youth group and do not know where they will spend the night, the preventable diseases such as infantigo on little ones hands at Kid's Club and barely a speck of food on the floor after gatherings because all the food is consumed. This is life in White Swan. We have seen their reality. Now is the time for us to act. Please prayerfully consider joining our family in this ministry!
How can you get involved? We are so glad you asked! There are three ways:
Pray: Please keep our family picture nearby and pray for us daily! Specifically that the Lord would give us strength, clarity and dependence on Him!
Give: Checks can be made payable to: Sacred Road Ministries, PO Box 400, Harrah, WA 98933. Include “Nail” in the memo line of your check, please. Gifts can be made online via PayPal or credit card at: http://www.sacredroadministries.com/www/docs/7/giving.htm. You can set up automatic payment through your bank to send checks to the above address each month. Include “Nail” in the memo line of your check.
Come&See: Sacred Road hosts short term work groups throughout the year. Skilled laborers are especially needed! Contact Veronica at 509-930-0346 for more information. Once we move to the Reservation, we will be happy to host you!
How can you get involved? We are so glad you asked! There are three ways:
Pray: Please keep our family picture nearby and pray for us daily! Specifically that the Lord would give us strength, clarity and dependence on Him!
Give: Checks can be made payable to: Sacred Road Ministries, PO Box 400, Harrah, WA 98933. Include “Nail” in the memo line of your check, please. Gifts can be made online via PayPal or credit card at: http://www.sacredroadministries.com/www/docs/7/giving.htm. You can set up automatic payment through your bank to send checks to the above address each month. Include “Nail” in the memo line of your check.
Come&See: Sacred Road hosts short term work groups throughout the year. Skilled laborers are especially needed! Contact Veronica at 509-930-0346 for more information. Once we move to the Reservation, we will be happy to host you!